photography of Bruce Kaufman

Bruce A. Kaufman, Esquire (1946 - 1997) was Chair of the American Bar Association's Family Law Section at the time of his death and was considered Maryland's Dean of Family Law. Mr. Kaufman was a supporter of the Women's Law Center of Maryland, Inc. for many years and was instrumental in the establishment of its programs to help families in crisis, the Family Law Center. Upon his death, his wife, Arlene Kaufman, along with the Women's Law Center, created the Bruce A. Kaufman Center for Family Law Endowment Fund.

The purpose of the Memorial Fund is to ensure that the work Mr. Kaufman supported during his lifetime would continue, particularly policy efforts in the area of family law. To commemorate the gift and Mr. Kaufman's contributions to the field of family law, the Bruce A. Kaufman Center for Family Law was created in 1997.

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